Thursday, August 18, 2005

Profiling myself? Heck yes!
I Love attempting to describe myself to the rest of the blogging world. Amost as much as I love pooping scoops. Check ot my profile to know what that means.
I got burned in a real bad way. KateNeu didn't burn me back after I so viciously burned her in my last blog. By neglecting my burn it doubled the intensity of said non existent burn. Thats like a third degree burn. Did my burn do more than just burn? Was it less of a "day after a drunken jalapeno eating contest and I can't wipe away the burning" burn and more of a "a friend of mine exploited my sensitivity" burn? I said bring it back. Not go into a rant about dried cheese products. I'm not dissing powdered cheese in any way. Those flaming hot cheetos burn me nice.


Blogger K.Neugat said...

oh todd, I'm so sorry. is your vagina sore again? yeah. it seems like it is. maybe you should get some cream for it and stop your whining. yeah. that would be great.

8/18/2005 2:06 PM  

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