Friday, February 17, 2006


My Environmental Ethics professor requires around 100 pages of reading every week. I have already filled up a 1 and a 1/2 inch binder with front and back print outs of PDF files and we just had our first test yesterday. Luckily, we don't have to buy a textbook because it would be huge and, therefore, expensive. This is not like reading 100 pages of Harry Potter or a Communications textbook though. I have to highlight. HIGHLIGHT for gosh's sake. (gosh is what I named my brain). If I didn't highlight, I would have to underline, And ball point pens go through your cornea much easier than a felt tip highlighter. By the end of this class I better be an expert on bio-diversity maintnence, re-wilding techniques, the tenets of deep ecology, and so forth. So that I can recite them during the giant "hippy war" which is bound to happen if we don't end our rampant consumerism, affluenza if you will. OMG...I am becoming one of them. Where the fuck is my pastel polo and trucker hat?!?


Blogger t. bizzle said...

It's still better than Calculus and it beats ever having to go to a Biology lab again.

2/17/2006 5:48 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

congrats on being the first to comment on your own blog, toddy.

2/17/2006 1:35 PM  

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