Sunday, September 11, 2005

Why Jess Dunkel is a actually a chick.

Man, Jess is going to get mad at me for this one.

So I try to perform the disappearing act that everyone does at partes when you don't want to have to say "nice to have met you" to a lot of people that you could care less about at that given point in time. You know what I'm talking about. If you're not trying to impress anyone, there's no point in the pleasentries. If I wanted to impress; I would of just come in the buff. Well, Jess was sitting in the middle of said group of people so I weighed my options and decided to exeunt. Well, I didn't add the over emotional text messages to the scale. Jess did actually see me as I was in my car and said goodbye but heres the texts.

1: So wait-how were you going to leave so shadily without saying goodbye

2:Glad I was outside, douchebag McAsswipe

Check it. This is how you can really tell that he's hurt. "Without" not "w/o" and he capitilized the "A" in "McAsswipe". Now those are extra keystrokes that a dude wouldn't use. Unless... he was mensturating


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jess doesnt say goodbye/goodnight to people when they are at his own house. He's ready for bed and he just goes in his room w.o. saying a word. And i'm allowed to get mad at that--i am a girl, although not currently menstruating

9/11/2005 11:24 AM  
Blogger K.Neugat said...

you guys are really into this! I am just going to start surprise leaving whenever I feel like it. in the middle of convos, at dinner, or maybe even right after some good boning. (sorry about that last night todd)

9/11/2005 7:13 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

whats with jess anyway? too cool for the blogging/commenting? i understand that you were trying to cut back, but come on, todd just called you a girl...a menstruating girl at that. reciprocate!

9/11/2005 8:15 PM  
Blogger K.Neugat said...

come on todd! give me a new blog! something, anything. i'm dying for to drop a comment or something....

9/13/2005 12:00 PM  

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