Sunday, October 16, 2005

So everything for my Frat/Sorority guy/girl costume is ordered and in the mail. This is going to be the best halloween ever! I'm planning to get there a little late so everyone is already a little drunk and I can play my favorite game, "Catch up to the drunk people by bonging Jaegermeister and then bonging my own Jaeger vomit" I know, I know, but that is how you spell Jaeger.
In further news, we need to go camping at Lost Maples when the leaves change in mid to late November. It's going to be f-ing cold, which is good, much better than hot. Get back to me if you are down. I volunteer my camping buddy, Kate Neu, and Tyler will be there in spirit and we will probably make a drunken cell phone call to him in the middle of the night. I do all the cooking, Huevos con carbon for breakfast and Kate does the cleaning. We have this shit down to a science, all you need to do is buy firewood, beer, and Chorizo. Kate loves her Chorizo. Get back to me. Or rather... Hollah!


Blogger Lisa said...

i think i'm going to have to be a little late too. my school is having fall fest that same night. we can beer bong jager together.

p.s. i want to go camping.

p.p.s. i am not responsible for my actions after bonging jager.

10/16/2005 4:00 PM  
Blogger K.Neugat said...

dear todd, lets camp. fo sho. you bring the beenie weenies/whisky and I'll bring the vomit.we should also bring some bubble wrap for lisa to wrap herself in to ensure her safety. and ours.

10/16/2005 4:57 PM  

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