Thursday, December 22, 2005

So I am moved into my new place. It is so far south that I get small pangs of remorse whenever I drive out there. It's nice having a garage and a big kitchen and a huge deck, but it's so f-ing far. I'll get used to it though because I am not moving for a couple of years.
When is the exact age where you start to actually dislike the holidays? It's not because you are dissappointed in your gifts, because it really is not about getting gifts. The thing that really sucks is gift inequality. When you are a poor college student you are worried that you didn't get anyone anything that they wanted when they got you something that is either expensive or extremely thoughtful.
Then there is the round of faking excitement at everything, and your Dad making you buy gifts for your step family when you didn't even get gifts for your real sisters whom you actually care about. They are good people but I could give a rat's ass what they think about me just because their Mom married my Dad after I was already an adult. It's just awkwardness covered up in smiling faces and glazed eyes for the sake of not causing trouble with my Dad whom I do care about.
Then there's the age where you start liking christmas again because you have little kids and loved ones to surprise and watch the real smiles. Like when you were a kid and liked christmas. But for now. F Christmahannukwanza.


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