Sunday, October 30, 2005

Another debaucherous halloween. For those of you who don't know already, I pulled a rope a dope and cancelled my previous costume and totally went as Kate. What was even more great about it was that right when I walked in, Kate wanted to take a picture, not knowing what I was dressed as. The look on her face was priceless when she finally realized. This will forever be known as "The Halloween that Kate got Owned".

That, ladies and gentleman, is called baiting. Now all of you sit back and enjoy the show because it is now Kate's turn in the eternal back and forth that is Kate and Bizzles friendship. She's like an angry porpoise. A horny, angry porpoise.
You might not know the reference but porpoises are very vicious creatures. Especially when you make fun of them. My uncle is a trainer at Sea World, as most of my family is, where he takes care of the dolphins. Now, one day the dolphins had to be put in the tank adjoining the porpoise tank because their tank was getting "upgraded" (i.e. massage jets, mini fridge). What started as a friendly back and forth between neighbors, turned into a vicious debate about who the cuter animal was (everyone knows dolphins are cuter). Then which species is smarter (toss up). Then why one always sleeps with their co workers (baiting (but also porpoises)). Well, my uncle, no longer able to bear the incessant chirping decided to dress up as an overly hairy porpoise in order to make fun of the porpoises' style sense (My uncle is a little off his rocker, like most of my family). To make a long story short, this is what they did to his Mustang.

They totally turned into a Sentra, painted it yellow, and smashed it. Bastards!


Blogger K.Neugat said...

and secondly, did you also steal some of my undies? I can't find my pink thong anywhere. please wash and return good sir.

11/01/2005 8:11 PM  

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