Sunday, December 11, 2005

The right side of my face is swollen to a drastic degree! This is like 7 months after having my wisdom teeth taken out and I have been on anti biotics for like 3 months. I keep having dreams of what it would be like to not have a jaw. Could you imagine? I'd have to chew with my tongue and could only eat soft foods. I would probably have to create a new language consisting of whistling noises from my nose punctuated by banging my head on things to hammer points home. It would probably be a little harder to cruise for tail too. (Sympathy sex is so rare as to be non existent) I think about this a lot too.

More proof that I'm falling deeper into the depths of crazy: Since I have no stereo in my car currently, I have developed a 6 person dialogue that has taken the form of an AA meeting. One of the guys doesn't even speak English. It's some twisted dialect of high German. I was thinking though, none of the characters that manifest are ever women. Hmmm.


Blogger K.Neugat said...

he's losing his mind! and I'm reaping alllll the benefits...

12/12/2005 6:33 AM  
Blogger t. bizzle said...

Please go to and go to jokes and click on Chuck Norris. Funniest thing ever!

12/12/2005 2:53 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

PASS OUT SALLY? what the crap?!?

what the crap.

12/14/2005 2:41 PM  

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