Thursday, December 29, 2005

Topic: popped collars

All of you know that among my many pet peeves are popped collars. Even more so now that it's out of style with the frat guy types who brought it into popularity. I saw a kid of about 18 today with a blue Lacoste polo with the collar defiantly pointing to the heavens. Would it have been mean to go up to this kid and tell him that he looks like an idiot with his collar up? Everyone who has seen him that day is thinking the same thing but they don't say anything, they silently judge. It would therefore be a kind thing to inform him so he could avoid further embarrasment, right? Thoughts?
I need to find a baseline for everyone else on Myspace as to how many friend requests they get from people they don't even know? It doesn't bother me but it confuses me a little. If you would like to check me out on Myspace, click this link:


Blogger Lisa said...

a couple of my 5th graders pop their collars. i told them one day why they do it, and they said because it means they're cool. who am i to pop that bubble?

12/30/2005 9:08 AM  

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