Sunday, February 19, 2006

I need to stop reading my previous blog posts. Do I really come off as that much of a d-bag?

Don't answer that.

So... funny story. I found a really cute girl on MySpace on one of those jaunts through a very complicated network of friends and friends friends and so on. I read a short story that she had, which was really very good. Then another blog post about how persona being merely a compilation of traits which we choose to project and this being amplified through a profile because you are able to be even more selective of those things which you let be known. I don't ever ask people to be my friend and I abhore the possibility that I may be percieved as "stalkerish"... So I left a missed connection on Craigslist. It was the first time I have ever done so and I peppered it with allusions to her short story and her theory about "metaspace". Hell, in her short story the male figure got a hold of his ex-"may have been true love except for a difference in political idealogue" the same way (I am nothing if not romantic (I just need follow through)) .
Well, I got a response. She said that it tickled her pink. That was really part of the goal, to make someone's day. Saying that something further would not have been cool would be lying but think of it from her perspective. When you get a missed connection your mind goes from elated and thnking about the great possibilities of spontaneous romance directly to skeptical. "What if he's fat? or socially inept?". (Rather, that's what mine did when I got a missed connection for the first time... and possibly the last.) Or thats what I imagined her thinking, and I overthink shit like this all the time, so I didn't follow up. I made someone happy, right?
And for the kicker: she is now dating one of my best friends (wasn't at the time of the missed connection). The friend who pulled me out of the pool and probably saved the use of my legs! I must have found her through his page. He doesn't read my blog, thankfully. What do I do when I meet her? Nothing? A sly comment alluding to the MC in terms that she will be able to understand?
The latter it is.


Blogger t. bizzle said...

stop being nice to me! when we made the pact to be mortal enemies we promised not to do two things. Not bolster either's self esteem and to do our part to keep at bay the influx of Aryan/Jew babies in an ever homogenized world. Stick to the pact sister.

2/23/2006 9:50 AM  

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