Friday, October 21, 2005

Curb islands are overpriced planters that are intended to slow down traffic while also maintaining a bike lane. Or in other words: useless expensive objects designed to inflate the transportation budget so as to insure an ever increasing amount of extraneous money in future calculations. Yea beauracracy!

Well the ones in Kate's neighborhood are getting taken out. (why did I not mention the Ryan's whom also live there? They don't read my blog. Why not Jess? Because the no blogging son of a bitch is dead to me. Dead!) I hope they increse the speed limit on Shoal Creek though. Without those pesky curb islands the speed at which I can travel is limited only by the size of my balls.

I'll leave that comment out there for you to make fun of me. Enjoy.


Blogger K.Neugat said...

hey todd, you know how i deal with curb islands? i get hammered and drive over them. try it. its hot.

10/21/2005 4:10 PM  

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