Tuesday, May 30, 2006

I think I am going to build a bird house. Nothing flashy just a little tudor inspired piece. I think that the attention to detail and patience required will do me good. I have shit loads of tools that I never use because when I go into a hardware store my manhood kicks in due to all that testosterone in the air. I have drills, saws, chisels, compressors which all sit in quiet anticipation for times like these. Mrs. Neu would be proud. She would be even more so if I were building a pneumatic bird house but the engineering involved in making it weather and beak proof are beyond my abilities at this time.

Building a home for a faimily that is needier than I may even aid in a philosopical paradigm shift. Even more so because they are not even in the same genus let alone phylum as I. Perhaps it will aid in transcending my customary anthropocentric world view to that more aligned with the likes of Arne Naess and Dan Jantzen when they set out the platform for Deep Ecology and biocentrism. It may help me be a better person and a better member of our Gaia community. I will have to restrain mysellf from teaching the birds to do my evil bidding though. That will be tough. I guess you could say that I'm building a little bird house in my soul.

P.S. Even more so!


Blogger Lisa said...

wtf todd! are you not even going to respond to the awesome bird fountain picture i left on your myspace? i think you should print that picture out and use it as wallpaper for your birdhouse. yes?

6/02/2006 2:07 AM  
Blogger t. bizzle said...

I guess it's feast or famine here in comment country.

6/04/2006 12:40 PM  

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