Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Late night grocery shopping really is the way to go if you like less crowds, finding everything you need because they just stocked (things like original flavor Sunchips and powdered gatorade are always slim pickins during the day), close parking, and maneuvering around boxes and forklifts.

This is not the way to go if you prefer crowds, like long lines, enjoy sleep, or are scared of crazy people. It is a rather good time to study those in our society who aren't burdened by sanity.

Example 1: The guy just getting off his panhandling shift at the intersection of William Cannon and IH-35. I see this guy daily and always thought that he had some kind of nerve disorder because of his halting style of walk and tendencyto suddenly stop, grasp his sign in one hand, shake it vigourously and wave at the traffic with a tortured grimace on his face. It turns out that it must be sugar induced. He was buying a whole case of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups and a 2 liter bottle of Coke. He then walked halt free out of the store.

Example 2: Loud overweight black lady who keeps screaming at everybody. She was in line buying a large amount of assorted candy as well (coincidence?) and a Mickey's. I heard her yelling, "What are you looking at?" and turned, because I like "the drama". She was inquiring this of me. I feebly answered, "Lean Pockets, they're on sale." I thought this would get ugly but all she said back was, "Them Pepperoni ones are good." So I said, "Hell yeah." and grabbed three boxes cause thems pepperoni ones are second only to the turkey and brocolli ones. Fuh Shizzle.

Example 3: The quick little toothless lady who kept darting back and forth around the store only to end up needing a product right next to the ones I was surveying every time. (She took the last of the broccoli and turkey lean pockets) She ended up ahead of me in the only non-express checkout line and kept arguing with the checkout girl about the price of each item. When they had to break from their conversation to get a price check she asked the couple behind her all crazy toothless like, "You wanna come back to my house and I'll fix up some fajitas? I make my own pinto beans." I couldn't hear their response but she then proceeded to ask the same question of the girl behind them and directly in front of me. She ignored her and crazy lady went back to her place in line. WTF crazy lady? I would have liked some fajitas and home made pinto beans.


Blogger Lisa said...

broccoli and turkey lean pockets are gross. pepperoni is the best.

5/18/2006 4:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ham and cheese is def. the best!

5/18/2006 8:06 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

look todd!! i found a picture of your girlfriend!!

5/18/2006 10:20 PM  
Blogger t. bizzle said...

someones getting addicted to the internet... welcome but that's not nearly as bad as ass fountain girl.
Megan: if we were talking about regular Hot Pockets I would def. agree but the cheddar cheeses in Lean Pockets tastes like hot cheese flavored Jello.

5/19/2006 3:44 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

have you ever looked at the nutrition info on regular hot pockets? i almost accidently bought some the other day, because i didn't realize that i had grabbed regular instead of lean. then i thought, they really can't be that bad for you. but they are. its pretty gross!

5/19/2006 4:26 AM  
Blogger t. bizzle said...

Some things I just like stay oblivious to. i.e. the ingedients in chrizo would have been better if they remained anonymous so chorizo could have stayed delicious.

5/19/2006 6:13 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

same thing happened to me with hot dogs. i was oblivious and then an ex who is a health nut ruined it for me. but only for a few years. I'll eat 'em now! yum yum! i love weiners! (what a setup! c'mon give me your worst!)

5/19/2006 8:26 AM  
Blogger t. bizzle said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

5/19/2006 9:27 AM  
Blogger t. bizzle said...

Lisa, I have to know how you hyperlink in the comment forum.
Megan, yeah you do! (New Jersey accent)

5/19/2006 9:31 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...


5/19/2006 2:42 PM  
Blogger t. bizzle said...

whoa there! I have yet to dig deep in my bag of links. Just tell me what I need to know and you keep the contents of your stomach.

5/19/2006 4:07 PM  
Blogger K.Neugat said...

Hot pockets in general gross me out...I am surprised at your surprise with late night grocery shopping Todd! You are a recovering stoner who I am sure spent many late night hours at wal-crap and heb. I suppose it does have a different appeal when you are not fucked up....Which is never for me.

5/24/2006 5:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow! todd is the coolest blogger ever. he got 12 comments on his latest blog. i'd say that gives the other bloggers something to strive for!! hmmmm?

5/25/2006 9:32 AM  
Blogger t. bizzle said...

4.. now 5 are mine. This does not in any way negate the fact that I am an exceptional blogger

5/25/2006 4:31 PM  
Blogger Lisa said...

here is your friendly reminder that it is time for a new blog.

you gotta keep up with these things if you are going to dub yourself "exceptional blogger."

5/30/2006 11:57 AM  

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