Sunday, June 11, 2006

I'm not a daddy!

So for the past three years there has been this thought lingering at the back of my head that I might have a kid. I found out that one of my exes was pregnant a few months after we broke up. Even when she had the kid there were still like two months discrepancy between when we broke up and nine months before Cash born. In my mixed up head though there was still the minute possibility that I could be a daddy. Me and a couple of guys at work were talking about their kids and so I brought up my "5 percent kid" as I oft call him. Then I showed them his pictures on his Mommy's MySpace. They said he looked exactly like me (it's true, he's smoking hot). This was too much, so I sent a message through MySpace, because I have no tact, and Angel replied that indeed I am not his Daddy. Woo hoo!

I think Mac might be luring icustomers into a false sense of isecurity with all their talk about how "Macs don't get viruses." This may be true now but when that ibug does come out Macs are probably going to be left with their pants down because their users never thought this would happen and there's no anti virus to protect against it. They had to take their macs in to get fixed at Mac authorized dealers numerous times in the past few years but now an ivirus!?! Time to get down off your ihorse mac users because the imassacre is coming.

Same thing with volvos. Can't be safe anymore. Back when they were all boxy the safety didn't come from the fact that they were designed better, it came from the fact they were rolling birth control. People could better concentrate on the road because no one in a Volvo back then was getting laid. That's why people had them after they had kids: to stop them from having more kids. Then with that fear alleviated they were driving up to their full potential. Now they are all sleek, and cool, and fast: deathtraps!


Blogger Lisa said...

i think someone is a little insecure about macs. those new commercials getting to you?

6/15/2006 10:47 AM  
Blogger Lisa said...

good news for you!!

6/15/2006 11:23 AM  

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