Friday, January 27, 2006

Things that make Bizzle horny:

Not Kate Neu unless "annoyed" reads "horny". Which it might.

Busses. No, seriously. All that vibration and the hot college girls. I had to ride the Forty Acres loop about three times today before I could dart out the door with my hand in my pocket into a clump of bushes while reciting baseball stastistics. Have fun commenting on this thread guys

Friday, January 20, 2006

So this was the first week back at the scholastic powerhouse that is UT. I had so many aspirations for humorous undertakings over the past few months, during which, readmittance was on the horizon. Alas, the cold reality that is the essence of UT has set in and I have relegated to enrobe myself in the warm blanket called anonymity. I saunter in a medium pace donned in the requisite New Balances, jeans, T-shirt, and school hat from class to class, taking flyers from one of the many groups who have banded together to feel that they might be part of something. Like a school of fish in an infinite ocean. Stopping occasionally to check e-mail in a library or gain sustenance from a fast food chain, scoffing at the pierced, dyed hair freaks who attempt to assert some sort of individualism before crossing through that inevitable gate that is Sophomorism. Where they realize that the energy is not worth the payoff. This is not a world for idealism will soon become lucid and they will join our throbbing masses.
No more do I daydream about about staged fights between ninjas and pirates on the west wall, or holiday themed mass streaking sessions (think sodomized stuffed easter bunnies), or huge impromptu water balloon fights. Now I dream about spending the night in the UGL (now called the FAC? no one asked me!) hard at work on a fifteen page term paper about the role of humans in the environment and the ethical obligation stemming from that. Ah, college life, how I missed your cold embrace.

In other news, women are not as hot on campus as they used to be. When I was here last,the trend was bleach blonde hair. I got used to that. Now it's those stupid huge sunglasses, a la Paris Hilton, and bronze tans. Tip to the ladies: those glasses look stupid and everyone can tell when you use bronzing cream because your skin is a little orange. Plus fake tans make me think that you will taste like chemicals. Why would I be tasting you? you ask. I guess you'll never know.

Bizzle. out!

Sunday, January 15, 2006

I don't think my roomate reads my blog so I should be safe in writing this. If she does: she should hear it anyway. So we have this cat that doesn't necessarily have to be in Lilli's room and doesn't necessarily have to be outside of the room What is important to this cat is the option to be either in or out. This ordeal hasn't posed so much of a problem because Lilli isn't bothered by the TV when I stay up late, and I can close my door when I sleep. Well, now Lilli has found someone with whom she can have sex with. I'm not going to go so far as to call this person a girlfriend, as I don't think Lills would. Said persom is also, shall I say, quite vocal. Lilli's bed is also, quite vocal. Everyone sees where I am going with this right? So I'm sitting watching TV and I have to turn the sound up just to hear it. Some guys may think this is "living with a lesbian heaven". Oh yeah? It's like listening to your sister who is very close in age to you get pounded by someone with whom you can't make eye contact because most of the words you've heard come out their mouth are either, "Yes!" or gurgling. Don't ask. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to put all their dishes in the effing dishwasher while listening to their coital moans.

That felt good.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

For some reason I have put myself on social hiatus as of late. I do this every once in a while. It's normal. I just get tired of being anywhere but my house and I end up reading a whole lot. In other news: I wish my name was Steve. Or something besides Todd. Because "don't fuck with Steve" sounds a lot better than "Don't fuck with Todd" and I would like to talk in third person more.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

WTF!?!?!?!?!?!?! We know these people!

Sunday, January 08, 2006

I'm just going to say that it was impossible not to drink after the horns pulled out the championship in the clutch. Sixth street was just crazy. The entire town went insane. I didn't go insane with them but I just wanted a taste of it. I have come to the conclusion, that much testosterone, and alcohol just don't belong together though. I have never seen so many fights. My diminuitive friend Bob even had a chair put up to his neck for what seemed like no reason by a GHB fueled muscle head shortly before the bar Paradise turned into a giant surging mass of cops and people complete with pepper spray. Waiting tables for all those years probably helped me slither through the crowd before I started holdng my face in pain. Go ahead and read that sentence again. Paradise erupted in chaos! Anyone who has been there knows how strange a picture this is. So...alas...I went five days without drinking.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

A whole month without drinking. This is going to be a toughie. Do I still remember how to have fun, go to sleep, or even drive without drinking? I'm now on day three and I have to say that it hasn't been that bad. I've gotten a lot more reading done, wake up without a headache, and vomit less. Alas, I still have yet to go out with friends and the Rose Bowl is on Sunday. Can I just avoid all calls from friends for a whole month?